MA thesis Material Fictions: Moving (between) Images of Contemporary Art (ENG) – currently in the process of translation to Czech, forthcoming KAROLINUM
You’ll See It When You Believe It. A conversation with Lizzie Fitch and Ryan Trecartin in PAF Reader, forthcoming 2023 (ENG, CZ)
Nechat všechny cesty lesu // Leaving All Paths to the Forest in RAFANI art group monograph – forthcoming (2023) (CZ, ENG)
L is for Lead: On Cluelessness, Molybdomancy and Vision-in-black in Clueless Agency: A novel. Proto Gallery Systems publication – forthcoming (2023) (ENG)
An essay reconsidering the validity of the theory of film montage for contemporary moving image art – forthcoming GHMP 2023 (CZ, ENG)
The Problem of Losing Vision of the Future. in Jakub Jansa‘s Club of Opportunities: The Garden of Problems – Forthcoming, UMPRUM 2023 (CZ, ENG)
Thinking Through the Hollows in Speculative Speculum exhibition catalogue, Vienna, 2023 (ENG)
A Universe to Gain: Posthuman Ufology and the Construction of a Radical Cosmic Subject in Trans*migrations: Cartographies of the Queer – Vit Bohal (ed.), Litteraria Pragenisa Books 2020 (ENG), w/ Jiří Sirůček
Anywhere Out of the World: On the Poetics of Wasting and Self-care as a Weapon in Speculative Ruinology: Interpretation as a mode of Survival – Václav Janoščík, Boris Ondreička (eds.), Akademie výtvarných umění 2020 (ENG), w/ Jiří Sirůček
BCAAsystem: Uvolnit pouta svázanému času: De-individualizace jako kolektivní praxe in Supernova. Katalog Ateliéru supermédií UMPRUM, David Kořínek (ed.), UMPRUM 2019 (CZ)
Designovat pro(ti) vyhynutí: Představy planety v časech klimatické krize (Designing for Extinction: Planetary Imaginations in the Times of Climate Crisis), Iluminace, 2020 (CZ)
Pohled jako kolektivní praxe: Způsoby vidění pro 21. století (Gazing as a Collective Praxis: Ways of Seeing for the 21st Century”), Iluminace, 2019 (CZ)
Hledání ztraceného obrazu-času. Poslední kniha Davida Rodowicka zkoumá ontologii digitální doby (In Search of Lost Time-Image. David Rodowick’s Latest Book explores the Ontology of the Digital Age), Arte Acta, 2019 (CZ)
What Else Lurks Beneath the Frozen Soil? On Deep Virology and Posthuman Arts, Speculative Ecologies online journal, 2020, w/ Jiří Sirůček
Jak přestat objevovat Ameriku: O imaginaci bez vize a feminismu „bez budoucnosti“, (How to Stop Discovering America: On imagination Without Vision and “Futureless” Feminism), FLUX magazine, 2023, w/ Jiří Sirůček
Za zrcadlem: Psaní v umění jako (po)etická praxe (Behind the Mirror: Writing in Art as (Po)ethical Practice) – Reflections on the limits of critical writing on art for Cena Věry Jirousové – Czech award for art criticism.
Komu patří sny? (Who Owns the Dreams?), Art Antiques 2022 – An essay on the problematics of “re-enchantment” in the context of the 2022 Venice Biennale.
O životě a smrti pohyblivých obrazů (Of Life and Death of Moving Images), Art Antiques 2022 – An essay on problems of preservation of moving image and new media art in Czech Republic.
Documenta 15. Kontextu uniknout nelze (Documenta 15. Not Without Context), Art Antiques 2022, w/ Jiří Sirůček
Za hranou rozlišení: S Olgou Moskatovou o pohybu obrazů, nestabilní materialitě a (nejen) digitálních obrazech bez kamery // Beyond any difference: Olga Moskatova on image movements, shifting materiality and (not only) digital cameraless images, Fotograf magazine – post-digital photography issue (2022) (CZ/ENG)
Airpocalypse: Rouška jako stylový doplněk konce světa? (Airpocalypse: Face Mask as the Ultimate End-of-the-World Accessory), Art Antiques 2020, w/ Jiří Sirůček
Lukem proti smart city. Jak DIY design protestů v Hongkongu narušuje hegemonii technologií (Bow against the Smart City. How DIY Design of Hong Kong Protests Fights Against Technological Hegemony), Alarm 2020, w/ Jiří Sirůček
O velrybě v rybníku (A Whale in the Pond), Art Antiques 2023 – review of Eva Koťátková’s exhibition My Body Is not an Island in National Gallery Prague. (CZ)
Kdo se směje naposled? (Who Has the Last Laugh?), Art Antiques 2022 – a review of a discussed documentary film capturing the entrance exams at Prague’s Academy of Fine Arts (CZ)
Scary Good, Flash Art 2022 – a review of an exhibition in Berlinskej model, Prague (CZ)
Příběhy rašící v záhybech látky (Stories Sprouting in the Fabric Folds), Art Antiques 2022 – a profile text about the work of artist Dominik Styk (CZ)
Nekončící tvárnost (Endless Malleability), Art Antiques 2022 – a profile text about the work of artist Bronislava Orlická (CZ)
Nesmrtelnost pro všechny (Immortality for All) – an interview with Anton Vidokle, Art Antiques 2021 (CZ)
(Ne)lidské obrazy Země (Non-human Images of the Earth), Art Antiques 2021 – review of Fotograf Festival 2021: Earthlings (CZ)
O Hnízdech, institucích a naději z dolu (Of Nests, Institutions and Hope coming from the Mine), Art Antiques 2021 – an interview with artist Pavel Sterec (CZ)
O sítích, zvucích a smečkách (Of Nets, Sounds and Packs), Art Antiques 2021 – an interview with artist Miloš Vojtěchovský (CZ)
Pro listy nevidět strom (To not See the Tree for the Leaves), Art Antiques 2020 – a review of Vladimir Kokolia’s exhibition In case the last thing you ever see is a treetop, FUTURA gallery (CZ)
Podívat se na sebe zezadu a trochu shora (To See Yourself from Behind and a Slightly from Above), Art Antiques 2021– a review of Václav Magid’s book Malá encyklopedie nepatřičností (CZ)
Bojovat s únavou z pozornosti (Fighting Attention Fatigue), Art Antiques 2021 – a large cover review of the exhibition Compassion Fatigue Is Over, Galerie Rudolfinum (CZ)
Za klášterní zdí (Within the Cloister Walls), Art Antiques 2021 – a review of the exhibition Ora et Lege, Broumov monastery (CZ)
CJCH na rozcestí (CJCH at the crossroads), Art Antiques 2021 – a review of the Jindřich Chalupecký award exhibition 2021 (CZ)
Nožům na dosah // Close to the Knives. Fotograf magazine #39 Delight, Pain, 2021 – a profile text about David Wojnarowicz (CZ/ENG)
Mluvit společně, nebo mluvit spolu? (Speaking with each other, or speaking at once?), Artalk 2020 – a review of the Jindřich Chalupecký award exhibition 2020 (CZ)
Dvě slunce Agnieszky Polské (Two Suns of Agnieszka Polska), Artalk 2020 – an essay on the work of Agnieszka Polska (CZ)
Akustika udržitelné budoucnosti (Acoustics of a sustainable future), Art Antiques 2020 – a review of the exhibition UNPLUGGED, Rudolfinum (CZ)
Hledání smyslu v propojeném světě (Searching for Meaning in an Interconnected World), Art Antiques 2020 – a review of the exhibition Spiritualities, MeetFactory (CZ)
Duchové digitálních technologií (Digital Technologies’ Ghosts), Art Antiques 2020 – a review of the exhibition Technologies of the Sacred, gallery Display (CZ)
Bod tání digitálního odpadu (The Melting Point of Digital Waste), Art Antiques 2020 – a profile text about artist Jakub Choma (CZ)
Lecturer of the More-than-human Media Theory seminar, Film Studies department, Charles University Prague (ws 2022–2023), w/ Jiří Sirůček
Lecturer of the Introduction to Film Theories seminar, Department of Aesthetics, Charles University Prague (ws 2021–2022)
Artist talk together w/ BCAAsystem collective, The Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, 2023
Ontogenetic qualities and more-than-human imag(in)ery in the work of artist Wang Shui, Prague Micro Festival – talk as a part of a Creativity and Cybernetic Culture colloqium, 2022
Guest lecture in Painting studio II, Academy of fine Arts, 2022, w/Jiří Sirůček
Guest lecture at Studio of performance, Faculty of Fine Arts, Brno University of technology, 2021, w/Jiří Sirůček
Crossing the Distance: Hopes & Sorrows of Art and Music in the Virtual Sphere – a talk on the Biennale Matter of Art conference, 2020 (https://2020.matterof.art/program/east-european-biennale-symposium)